Thursday, May 7, 2009

Nursing School, here I come!

I just had my interview with the Dean of Nursing this afternoon. It went wonderfully! She basically said that I am in (and part of the top cut) and she looks forward to seeing me this fall. I'm pretty elated.

Thanks to everyone who's been praying for me through this process. I think I can breathe again. Now at least I have some idea of where I'll be for the next two years - God willing. God has willed to shake up my plans a good bit the past couple years, so I'm fully aware that the coming years may not be as placid as they appear from this vantage point. But, heh, ready or not, here I come!


Annalise said...

I'm glad. You won't be leaving us then.

OFHP said...

I had not doubt you would make it into the program!!!

Glad to hear it and glad you're excited about starting in the fall.

And most of all -- glad to have you home :-)

elizabeth said...

exciting! it will be a lot of work but you can do it for sure.

keep reading when you can as well...

my love to you!