Sunday, April 12, 2009

Christ is Risen!

Alleluia! Christ is Risen from Death and we with Him!

Now for a brief sleep before the glorious dawn breaks...

(I totally reek of the wondrous scent of incense; I wish my clothes would keep the smell through a washing, but I know that they won't.)


Annalise said...

He is Risen indeed! Alleluia!

Annalise said...

Oh, i wish you went to the service! It was beyond awesome. (even though I was sleepy, I stayed awake through both services! [triumph!])

Nicholai said...

I wish I could enjoy the smell of incense. My ability to do so is somewhat impended by the fact it gives me a splitting headache and I start to feel really dizzy

elizabeth said...

Incense is lovely.... is too bad it makes some people not well :(

Blessed Feast!